If you’ve researched hair growth or even just “natural health” in general before, chances are you’ve heard of Biotin.
Biotin is one of the most plentiful and foundational nutrients that our bodies use.
Our skin, our joint cartilage, and - of course - our hair REQUIRES Biotin.
There is no shortage of Biotin supplements on the market, but during my hair loss crisis I was shocked to learn that most Biotin supplements are nearly USELESS for our bodies.
The reason why is because most biotin supplements aren’t packaged in anything to protect them from the harsh environment of our digestive system. And that means by the time the biotin we get from most supplements makes it to our intestines where it can be absorbed, it’s already been damaged beyond repair.
So this means that, even if you take an excess of biotin each day, chances are it’s just being flushed through you right down the toilet without ever being absorbed and used to grow your hair.
And if you aren’t absorbing biotin, it’s likely your body doesn’t have an excess of biotin to spare to push hair out of your scalp.